God's New Revelations

The Household of God
Volume 1

The early history of mankind

- Chapter 98 -


After this confession by Adam, Seth rose and wanted to speak, but Asmahael signed to him to keep silent and added:
"Seth, do you not know that true love is silent and wisdom takes the word only when it is invited to do so for the benefit of others?
"When you have love be silent with your mouth and speak only with the heart; and if you have wisdom let somebody first ask you and when that has happened speak but few words and speak what is of benefit to the inquirer from the heart and not from the intellect.
"However, it is incomparably better to be silent and shut your ears and eyes than to keep talking and bubbling like a waterfall, have one's ear at all street corners and let one's eye dart around like a swallow.
"Three things to the mouth, seven to the ear and ten to the eye!' is your rule of wisdom; why then superfluous words, - to the ear a thousand rather than seven and a countless number to the eye.
"I know, Seth, what you wanted to say. Keep it to yourself and you will see the sun rise tomorrow as usual at the right time.
"And all you others do the same. Let no one impose a word on another, but if someone wants a certain information let him turn to one who has a wise heart, that is, a heart that always perceives within it the voice of eternal Love and clearly understands the word of life out of God at the time the information is needed. When such a word is then uttered, sparingly like the gold in the earth, it is time to open ear and eye from the heart. Hear and comprehend it well!
"And now you children who dwell where Adam watches the sunset from his hut, rise, be of a free, faithful and honest heart towards God, your fathers and all your brothers! Receive the blessing from Adam, do today and tomorrow what you are asked to do as God's will and become children of the sunrise and love instead of children of the sunset and the night of death.
"The region you inhabit shall henceforth be like the ones of the morning, midday and midnight, for from now on only regions of the heart shall be considered and the regions of the earth will be absolutely unimportant. Amen."
"When Adam had heard Asmahael's words, he approached Him with the greatest inner reverence and asked:
O Asmahael, will it not be held against me as a sin if I after Your so greatly blessed Word should still utter my insignificant blessing over the children whom You have visited with Your living Word?
"Truly, now the blessing I am supposed to give seems to me as if I had to carry water into the sea to increase and fill it.
O Asmahael, show me Your grace and mercy! Amen."
And Asmahael answered: "Listen, Adam, if it seems to you like that do it in My name anyway and be assured that the sea will not be harmed by it; but know that every gift is of more benefit to the giver than to the receiver.
"If out of your heart you have added even a single drop to the sea, you have refreshed and eased your heart and the sea will thank you for the one drop. For I tell you that you know neither the drop nor the sea, yet if the good custom requires it, do in your heart what has to be done and do not mind the sea. But He who has counted the drops in the sea will not fail to count also your drop.
"So do bless your children anyway and I will not withdraw My blessing because of it. Amen."
And Adam fulfilled the will of Asmahael and was full of joy.
