God's New Revelations

Sunsets Into Sunrises

Bishop Martin - The Progress of a Soul in the Beyond

- Chapter 97 -


(Hearing this, Chanchah says, somewhat embarrassed): "Oh, glorious friend of my whole being, since you talk about the holy, eternal Lama with such unbelievable assurance, you must have met Him often, maybe even spoken with Him as if you were His first servant. Yes, that must be the answer, or you could not be so indescribably kind and your words could not have such force, as if they were the words of Lama Himself.
Your two friends have also spoken to me, but I did not notice such force in their words, except when they were talking to you. In view of this, my heart tells me that you are closer to the Lama than these two. Am I right?"
(Say I): "Ask your heart and your love for Me. That will tell you everything! But let us now go to the other brothers who, too, need our care and love. You stay at My side, My dearest Chanchah!"
(Chanchah): "It is right and kind that my other brothers and sisters also are remembered in your hearts. The hosts are always better off than the guests, for they can give as they please, whilst the guests may take only what they are given. And they must accept graciously what they are given and give honor and thanks to the hosts.
A host, if he wants something from his store, need not ask anybody but may take whatever he wants, whenever he feels like it, for he does not have to observe rules of courtesy nor thank anybody. Hence the hosts can count themselves lucky since they can give what they want, when they want to, whilst the recipients are less fortunate for they have to take what is given to them.
I am now thinking of all these guests here, including myself. You three very kind and good hosts and masters of this celestial mansion, irrespective of your boundless kindness, are so much better off than all these guests, even though they are treated well by you. However, you will always remain the masters, and these guests will be dependent upon you for everything. Therefore, they should really be looked after in the best possible way.
But you, my dearest friend, do not blame me for my words, will you? I am speaking so bluntly only because I love you so much. My great love for you makes me speak, and then my tongue runs away with me."
(Say I): "You sweet balm of My heart, say whatever your heart tells you to. You can never offend us, especially not with such wise words; for I can tell you, My sweet, it is exactly as you have described it. It is much easier to give than it is to receive, and the poorest giver is still better off than the best taker.
However, this order can never be changed since everybody cannot possibly be a master. If the Lama made every human being a master with his own house and ample means so that he would not have to ask others for anything at all, what about the love of your brother and your neighbor? What about the love of Lama? This love would simply vanish and still, in the end, the Lama would be the giver and all men necessarily the takers, as it is now and will forever be.
But, in order to make it easier for the taker, we hosts are giving such an abundance so that each recipient may take as much of it as his heart may desire.
I can even tell you, My dearest Chanchah, that the giving here goes so far that you cannot find a single being in the whole of infinity who does not, at all times, receive a thousand times more than his heart could ever desire. What do you think about it now, My beloved Chanchah? Are the takers still to be pitied under such circumstances?"
(Chanchah): "If such is the case then, of course, the takers may even be luckier than the giver, who - forgive me for saying this - must have many worries. He must think how best to replenish his stores to prevent them from running out when constantly so much is being given away.
On earth, I have sometimes wondered how it was possible for the Lama to look after so many things - the grass and all the plants, as well as the countless beasts and men. But then my mother said to me: 'Chanchah, how can you think of the Lama in such human terms? Don't you know that He is almighty and omnipresent with His might? Whatever He in His boundless wisdom wills, comes to pass whenever and in whatever way He plans it!'
My mother's explanation quite satisfied me, but I would now like to hear from you, a servant of Lama, whether my mother was right.
Is it easy for the Lama to care for all infinity, or is it a hard task? If it is easy for Him, then He is quite as well off as all the countless recipients. If, however, He finds it sometimes not at all easy to provide for all the needs of countless myriads, then considering His boundless generosity, one could really feel sorry for Him. Please, do tell me about this, my dearest friend. Do you know the answer?"
