God's New Revelations

Sunsets Into Sunrises

Bishop Martin - The Progress of a Soul in the Beyond

- Chapter 169 -


When all have entered this magnificent temple, the sage, who has now regained his composure, comes to Me with humility and reverence, and says:
(Uron, the sage): "O You Whom to name nobody dared in this world! You Who were made known to us endless times by Your archangels as the eternal, Primordial Spirit and almighty Creator of all the countless beings! You - the first, the most holy, the wisest, You eternal law and eternal order of all beings and things! Since You have at long last graciously visited us, do bestow Your grace upon us unworthy beings and reveal to us Your will and the road which we have to follow so as to be sure to enjoy Your goodwill forever!
We in this world enjoy great privileges. We are most beautiful as far as our shape is concerned and sufficiently wise for the requirements of our community. Our work is carried out with our will rather than with our hands. We have never had to worry about food, which often is the case in other worlds I am told. Although our flesh is oversensitive, we do not know sickness of the body and can live as long as we like. And if we do agree to the transformation demanded of us by higher spirits, this becomes bliss for us.
In short, in the infinite space of Your creations there is not likely to be another world where natural human beings have a happier existence than we, thanks to Your grace. But, notwithstanding all that, we still realize that we are infinitely inferior to Your children.
O Lord, look at us who, too, have originated from You like Your children! Do make it possible for us to attain a spiritual level closer to theirs!
You sublime and most holy Father of Your children, if it is Your will and not against Your sacred order, do grant my humble request, which was encouraged by the spiritual need of my people and the inconceivably mighty love I feel for You. But do not take it amiss, Father of Your children, that I as a stranger dare knock at the sacred door to Your heart."
(To this, I reply): "My son Uron, I have come here because of that very thing you have just spoken of. Mankind on the small earth has forgotten Me completely and turned the earth into a real hell. There are only a few left there who still actively believe and rely on My name. To most of the others, it has become a nuisance. From this, you can see that in the future I shall scarcely be able to raise children for Myself on that faithless earth.
My might cannot be used in that process, for it would put them under compulsion, which must never be the case with My children who have to attain supreme freedom; else they will never be able to serve Me as My right hand. But if I do not touch them with My might and instead allow them full freedom, they will turn into true devils and commit acts of the vilest nature with each other so that even the lowest hell could learn from them.
They lack faith, love, humility, obedience, and thus, also, faith in Me. But how could they have faith in Me since, as a result of their unbelief, I scarcely exist for them?
Therefore, nothing is left to Me but to protect and keep the few righteous and better ones. The others shall have their free will and I shall take My Covenant from them, as a result of which they will soon vanish like shadows from the surface of the earth.
In view of this, I am practically unable to obtain any perfected children from that earth. The best are worse than the worst here! And so I shall start here a new nursery for My future children-to-be and sift the other earth to an extent that the few better ones left there will have to travel for days before they find other beings like themselves.
As I intend to do this, I must indicate to you the roads on which you may become My children, if you so desire. When the earth has been cleansed, I shall build a spiritual bridge from it to you, across which you shall walk hand in hand with the children of the earth.
But now dispatch immediately messengers, and let many of your people assemble here so that I may open to them wide the door of My heart. So be it!"
