God's New Revelations

Sunsets Into Sunrises

Bishop Martin - The Progress of a Soul in the Beyond

- Chapter 170 -


At the sage's bidding, messengers hurry in all directions, calling together many thousands to come and hear the preaching of a new teaching for the first time in their world.
With lightning-speed, the messengers hurry through all sections of the large community and, like high winds driving clouds before them, they return with the summoned inhabitants to the dwelling where, on special occasions, Uron assembles the dwellers from the heights to preach to them new paths of wisdom.
Hearing the call, members of the community now flock to that particular dwelling. There is a singing and rustling in the air as if from the wings of eagles, for everyone is most anxious to get to the place where sublime things are awaiting them.
(Martin, hearing this sound in the air, which near the house has amplified to such an extent that it sounds like thunder, asks Me): "Lord, Father, what is that noise which keeps increasing with every moment?"
(Say I): "Do you not know that the power of attraction is strongest where the magnet is? That noise is made by the fast approach of the humans of this vast earth in anticipation of what they will find here. They are already surrounding the house. You can see through the four doors what great multitudes are assembling. They all come to hear the words of the Lord Who is over life and death.
Here our work will become a bit more strenuous than heretofore. But do not worry about it. The task may be formidable, but the strength and might we possess is more than sufficient to cope with it. Or do you think our strength may not suffice, judging by the apprehensive way you are watching the approaching crowds?"
(Says Martin): "O Lord, to think that would be silly of me! I am only wondering how these multitudes will be able to hear us. Although this house is extremely large, it will be impossible to accommodate all of them, for I can see dense crowds stretching for miles all around this dwelling. If we step outside, only the closest ones will be able to hear us, while the others will not even be able to see us. What a formidable task it will be to teach this awesome multitude!"
(Say I): "You have the wrong idea, My dear Martin. Here things are done in a different way. We shall be talking only to those close at hand - in this case, mainly to Uron. And he will then, after a moment, pass on what we say through special signs, like through a telegraph.
But first, it will be your turn. You will begin to preach, and only then will Peter and John and, finally, I Myself. But I warn you, pull yourself together - there will be a violent storm, so make sure you are not interrupted. Now you have to wait a while, and then, when I give you a sign, begin to preach. So be it!"
(Says Martin to himself): "Yes, O Lord, it is easy for You to say, 'So be it!' But I? - that is something quite different! I am now supposed to preach to these millions, who are at least as wise as I, if not wiser! And that in the presence of the Lord and of Peter and the immensely wise John! What a job! And all that during a thunderstorm! I shall make one blunder after another and shall be thoroughly ridiculed! Oh dear!
I have already delivered a number of speeches in the presence of the Lord, as well as before Peter and John - some stupid, some a bit wiser. But then the audience did not consist of millions or even trillions, all of them wiser than I. Here, with these multitudes, things look quite different.
The whole house is overcrowded so that one can scarcely distinguish the men from the women. Thousands of inconceivably beautiful beings are staring at me with their large, fiery eyes, full of high excitement and, so far, I have not the least idea of what I must say! Oh, they will be amazed at my wisdom, that's for sure!
If the Lord now lets me down and does not put every single word into my mouth, I shall be in a worse dilemma than ever before. I keep looking for His sign, but so far - may He be thanked - it has not come. I wish it would never come, but there is no hope for that! The Lord looks already as if He were going to say, 'Martin, be prepared!'
But what is that? I hear something like distant harmonies - it is singing, glorious singing. It sounds like organ music with the purest singing voices. Oh, how glorious, how heavenly! Pure, heavenly music, you do not only on earth delight and edify the soul, but here in heaven, too, you refresh the blessed spirits. More and more forceful chords are alternating with sublime notes.
What majesty lies in those sounds! What harmony and purity of sound! O Lord, this music is more glorious than anything else in this world! It has a thoroughly quickening effect on me. Now I feel that I shall be able to preach when the time comes. This music is truly the most glorious hymn a spirit like me has ever heard.
How glorious, O Lord! I thank You for this treat. No doubt the hymn is meant for You alone, but it has made me extremely happy and has given me a lot of courage. You have, indeed, countless means for strengthening a timid mind and for giving courage to the fainthearted. So I will now preach about You like a true herald and reveal to them Your hidden greatness, love, might, strength, and holiness. Your Holy name be praised everlastingly!"
