The Preparation
How God Prepares Us
- Chapter 1470 -
This Truth Will Soon Be Known!
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Message of March 7, 2025
Jesus: My children. My children so loved by Me. All that is written is now being fulfilled.
The Antichrist is among you, and the deceptions have begun. This will show itself, clearly and plainly, but by the time most of you realize it, it will already be too late.
This truth will soon become known, but even then you will not see and recognize the big picture. (Our Lady and God the Father are present).
Jesus: You are blind, beloved children, and believe the sweet words of those who deceive you.
It is hard to recognize these lies hidden behind such ostensibly good deeds for what they are, and the extent of your ignorance will be devastatingly great.
The wicked have an easy game, for those who begin to recognize are caught, and those who do not recognize recognize too late.
All of you will come to know the devastating extent of your great ignorance, and many of you will even rejoice, because you continue to be blind to the great danger and to the truth. (John is there and an angel of the Lord).
Children, children, let it be said to you that the sound of heaven will soon be heard, but only those children will hear it who are and remain on the true path of fidelity to Jesus (Bonaventure with the angel of the Lord and John.)
An angel of the Lord: My children, I, your angel of the Lord, tell you today that your welfare is in a bad way. More and more compromises you must tolerate, more and more restriction, control and reduced quality of life.
His return will be the day of glory, but until then all those of you who do not enter into an alliance with the evil one are protected.
Jesus: Beloved children, who you are. The world here has become a great playground of evil. There is hardly any room left for My true and faithful children, and more and more restrictions you have to accept, but such a glorious time is coming and no child who is with Me will ever be lost. I, your Jesus, hold My protective hand over you and you will enter into the glory of the Father when your time has come.
You must remain strong and hidden in Me at all times, for a truly terrible time is coming, but no child who is with Me will experience death, for I, his Jesus, will be with him and he will be lifted up.
My child. Please explain to the children that death means eternal death. Amen.
Jesus: Do something for your salvation before it is too late.
Your Jesus, Who I Am, concerned for you, My children, very concerned for you. Amen.
Learn the prayers for the end times, for it will all happen very quickly. Amen.
Your Jesus with Bonaventure. Amen.