God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 1

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching

Table of Contents

1 Short introduction into the spiritual understanding of the words of the Gospel of John, the favorite apostle of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2 The Baptist bears witness to the Lord.

3 Spiritual rebirth; first and second grace.

4 About the law, judgement, grace and salvation.

5 John the Baptist's testimony of himself and the Lord.

6 John baptises the Lord.

7 Examples and explanations concerning the style of the evangelists.

8 The Lord's first disciples: Andrew and Simon Peter.

9 Further callings: Philip and Nathanael.

10 New disciples: James, John and Thomas.

11 The wine miracle: Symbol of the rebirth. Peter's confession and toast.

12 Call to the sons of Zebedee: James and John. Beginning of the Lord's ministry.

13 The cleansing of the temple through the Lord.

14 The Lord's prophetic allegory about the destruction of the temple and its re-erection in three days.

15 The Lord sees through the malice and deceitfulness of the Jews.

16 The spiritual meaning of the cleansing of the temple.

17 Healing miracles and late guests at the inn.

18 The Lord's discussion with Nicodemus. Purification of the soul through humility.

19 Continuation of the discussion.

20 Continuation of the discussion: Nicodemus fails to understand.

21 Continuation of the discussion: about the mission of the Messiah, about judgment and punishment.

22 Continuation of the discussion. "There is no truth in man, except only love."

23 About the baptism with water and with the spirit.

24 The Baptist's last and greatest witness to the Lord: "He must increase, but I must decrease."

25 Showing mercy to those who believed in the Lord strongly increased His following. Emergence of false gospels. The Lord walks through Samaria to Galilee. Attitude of the Samaritans. Sychar. The Lord takes a rest with his people at Jacob's Well.

26 The Lord and the woman at Jacob's Well. The Lord's words about the living water.

27 Continuation of the scene: About true worship of God in spirit and in truth.

28 Continuation of the scene: The spirit's healing power in a believer.

29 Continuation of the scene: Healing of the woman and her testimony for the found Messiah.

30 Sabbath foolishness.

31 The Samaritans recognise the Lord: The true badge of honour: Love of the Lord

32 The Lord sees only the heart. As one sows, so will one reap.

33 Miraculous goings on in the woman's house. The physician and the Samaritan Mosaists. Blasphemy against Jesus and its just punishment. The physician's report and the Lord's comments.

34 The teaching and acts of the Lord recorded by the Gospeller John. The Lord and His own at the old house of Joseph at Sychar. The preparations of the angels for the holy entourage. The relationship between God the Father and the Son.

35 At Sychar. The servants testify of the miraculous service at the house. The woman's reverence and recognition of the Lord. The Lord's command of secrecy and His care for Mary. The disciples see the heavens open. Nathaniel's great testimony. The Lord indicates silence about the holy secret.

36 At Sychar. The Lord points out to John, the Gospeller, that not everything is suitable for recording. The promise of the present Revelations. 'It is enough that you believe and love Me!' About the Messiah and His kingdom. Words of blessing for the doctor and the woman. Joram and Irhael joined conjugally. The Lord does not sleep.

37 The chant in the morning of the priests at Sychar. The Lord directs them to the mountain. The calling of Matthew as a Gospeller and disciple. About the nature of dreams.

38 At Sychar. Matthew, the former tax-collector, directed by the Lord to record the Sermon on the Mount. The high priest's welcoming address to the Lord. The Lord's reply. Hints on life. 'Not only the hearing but also the doing of My teaching brings salvation!' Country breakfast.

39 At Sychar. The morning meal at Irhael's. Table talk. The milk and honey of the promised land are the best on earth. The wise man's speech in praise of the Creator. The Lord's speech about perfection being man's destiny. 'My yoke is easy and My burden light'. Life hints. 'He who heeds My advice shall do well!' The real house of God: nature and the human soul. Sermon on the Mount.

40 The priests criticize the misunderstood sermon on the mount. Nathanael's profound explanation on behalf of the Lord.

41 The high priest's further criticism of the rigorous teaching of the Lord; his parable of the sealed water jar and the thirsty man.

42 Nathanael shines a light on the parables of the Sermon on the Mount. Correlation of the natural with the spiritual. The way to understanding the spiritual. Difference between God's Word and man's word.

43 Further explanation of the Sermon on the Mount. Nathanael's justification of the Lord's allegoric speech. The Lord gives his teaching in the form of seed capsules In the soil of love they will sprout and yield fruit.

44 The priest's further questions regarding the analogy of the metaphors in the Sermon on the Mount. "Right eye" and "left hand" explained by Nathanael.

45 Nathanael's apostle-confession about the imitation of the Lord according to the new teaching of love from the sermon on the mount.

46 During the descent from mount Gerizim: Healing of a leper. About zeal and proper restraint.

47 At Sychar. The miraculous supper at Irhael's, in fellowship with the angels. The Lord's hints about His celestial servants. The Lord's compatriots' anger and lack of faith.

48 At Sychar. The guests and the celestial servants. The high priest's misgivings about his ministry of converting the faithless people. The Lord's comments in reply and His foretelling of His passion, death and rising. Appearance of spirits. Glorious promise for true followers.

49 At Sychar. Hints on the how and where of true worship. Irhael's commendable talk. 'Not houses of prayer, but refuges and hospitals for the poor you shall build Me'. Allusion to the temple of the Creation.

50 At Sychar. About the honouring of the Sabbath. What God wants men to do. Work day and Sabbath. God's constant activity. Moses' teaching about the Sabbath. 'Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.' Promise of answered prayers.

51 At Sychar. The angels' talk to the apprehensive dinner guests. The 'Sycharite Gospel'. The story of Nathaniel's conversion. The Lord's command of silence about His Deity until He be uplifted on the Cross.

52 The Lord discusses the high priest's domestic problems with him. Mother Mary's apparel. The slandering of the high priest's family. Jonael's sadness. The Lord's comfort and testimony against the world.

53 At Sychar. Peter's spirited testimony to the Son of God, and his stinging assessment of the unbelieving Galileans. The Galilean's opinion about Jesus and His disciples. Peter's worthy retort. The angel and the Lord punish the evil slanderer. The wicked's atonement.

54 At Sychar. The Lord with Jonael's noble family. The disciples' annoyance, along the road with the marvelous scene with Jonael's daughters. The Lord's telling rebuke. The whereabouts of the kingdom of God. 'Abide within love'.

55 At Sychar. The walk through the lovely grove. The old Esau castle. Episode with the lord of the manor, his servants and the Lord. The clever merchant - a friend of Truth, and his dilemma. The Lord as mind-reader. The merchant of poetry. A delicate question.

56 At Sychar. The cautious merchant's extensive answer to the ticklish question about the Lord's identity. About adverse experiences of witnesses to truth on earth. Examples of thieves and deceivers. Jonael's presentation of the lies as the cause of evil on earth.

57 At Sychar. The answer to the ticklish question. 'So You are the Messiah?!' Welcome: For Him have I worked all my days! The Lord accepts the merchant's invitation to lunch.

58 At Sychar. Life and behavioural hints. 'Giving is more blessed than receiving'. 'What is done by love remains good forever'. The plight in the beyond of friends of the world. The Lord's advice on the proper use of wealth. How to come by God's blessing.

59 At Sychar. The weakness of the merchant's trust in God's providence. His deep reverence for Jehovah and his charity towards the poor. God is to be loved more than feared.

60 At Sychar. One surprise after another, and wonders upon wonders. The Lord, as guest of the merchant, serves the latter at the old Esau castle, with celestial fare brought to the newly-created hall by celestial servants. 'I am wealthier than you'.

61 At Sychar. Continuation of miraculous surprises. The angels as the builders of the glorious chamber. The exceedingly astonished merchant senses the 'Son of God' in Jesus.

62 At Sychar. The heavenly meal in the hall of the angels. The merchant's praiseworthy resolution. Jairuth's pessimistic but only too true after-dinner speech about conditions in those days. The Lord's graphic speech about the kingdom of God and the Messiah's ministry. The whereabouts of departed human souls before the Lord's ascension.

63 At Sychar. The good effect of the heavenly fare, and above all the heavenly love wine. After-dinner speeches. Jairuth's speech about the difference between the law and good advice. About the respective reactions to wine by diverse human natures.

64 At Sychar. Jairuth gives up wine, caring instead for the poor and receiving two guardian angels. Nature and mission of angels. Jairuth's commendable speech about the blessedness of human weakness.

65 At Sychar. Jairuth accompanies the Lord. The guardian angel's service. Scene with Roman mercenary soldiers.

66 At Sychar. Healing of the palsied near the village. His joyful thanks with song and leaping. The flight and return of the Roman soldiers.

67 At Sychar. Memorable discussions about the Messiah, Satan and the divine order. The Lord as proclaimer of the new law of love. Jehovah's presence in the gentle breeze.

68 At Sychar. The Roman military deputation. Dialogue about truth between the Lord and the Roman commander. Men and human cocoons. About perfection. About following the Lord.

69 At Sychar. The nothingness of the gods. The worth and nature of truth and the way to it. The real Gordian knot. The mystery of love. Head and heart. The key and seat of truth.

70 At Sychar. The natures of head and heart. 'Don't deal with the sinner like a judge but as loving brother, and you shall find truth and bliss. Anger is judgment. Where love is lacking, there is no truth. Universal truth throughout infinity. Hints about the individual in the beyond. 'Who are you?' Follow Me.

71 At Sychar. The Lord heals the chief's wife. Vital hints on arriving at full truth and power action. The Lord witnesses of the Father. Core of the teaching.

72 Journey to Sychar. Memorable prophecies about the future. About the great tribulation. Promise of the angels with trumpets before the Lord's return. The earth as paradise. Satan's last test. The Lord's passion and rising.

73 At Sychar. The Lord with His at Irhael's. John, the healed, and Jonael. The Lord praises and blesses their sensible comprehension. The Lord and Jairuth.

74 At Sychar. The confrontation with the brazen dumb ones with their lying mates. Joram's resoluteness and the disciples vigour against the liars. The Lord's rebuke and His guidelines in dealing with men's wickedness. 'Do not return evil for evil'. Parable of the master and servant. The evil of dogmatism and retribution.

75 At Sychar. The drawbacks to being good. Zoological example. About redemption from evil. The new Way to freedom for children of God. About dealing with criminals. Parable of the lion. About apostolic ministry.

76 Peter's commendable talk and request (the Lord's prayer). The Lord's instructions on national policy for keeping order and peace. 'You shall achieve everything with love'. Force awakens the devils - for evil. Peter's humane suggestions for the spreading of Truth. The Lord discusses the work of guardian angels, and the nature of miscreants.

77 At Sychar. The Lord and the troublemakers. The commander's dark thoughts about mankind's depravity. Jonael indicates trust in the Lord. 'He shall do it in His time'.

78 At Sychar. Continuation of the discussion between Jonael and the commander about tolerance. The chief's commendable testimony to Jesus, and his anger about the blind and evil Jews. A hint about allopathy. Consequences of sin, and a medicine. Gentleness and patience more effective than anger. Better to follow than forestall the Lord.

79 At Sychar. Jonael's comments on the treatment of the soul-sick. Evil consequences of over-strictness. About the death penalty. Revenge by the departed. David's killed enemies as example. The blessedness of peace and friendship. Revenge by departed enemies.

80 At Sychar. 'Live in peace and unity.' About guardian spirits. Hints about the order in the divine household. A pertinent question: how and when shall it get better on earth? When shall the kingdom of God take effect?

81 At Sychar. The Lord's instructions regarding the treatment of criminals. The death penalty and its effect. A hint for judges. The main reason for God's Incarnation. The erection of a bridge between here and the beyond. Guides for the ignorant in the beyond. Commendable request.

82 At Sychar. Promise of a secret visit from the Lord. A prophet is more effective abroad. Matthew accompanies the Lord as a scribe. The high priest's thanks. Jonael receives his calling as a teacher, with miraculous powers and an angel as companion. Irhael's and Joram's deep sorrow at parting. The Lord's reassurance.

83 At Sychar. Important missionary hints. The power of truth. About the essence of the Lord's Word. The grace of man's calling to the childhood of God. The Lord wants no pessimists or condemners of the world. Life-hints. What the world is, and how it is to be utilised. Departure from Sychar.

84 Matthew's reproach of the Lord. About God's nature and the creative process. The sun's beauty, distance and size. An eclipse. 'A little fear does not harm sensual man.'

85 Continuation of journey. Arrival in Galilee. Diverse opinions about the Messiah. Hints about the kingdom of God. Further journey to Cana in Galilee.

86 The Lord back in Cana of Galilee. The unwitting self betrayal of the unchaste ones. The Lord speaks about unchastity here and in the beyond. Sensual stimulants - Satan's trick.

87 The true homeland is with the Lord. The Jewish sceptics. Their departure and arrest by Roman soldiers. Cornelius with the Lord.

88 The Lord's discussion with Cornelius about the Temple brood and the Lord's cleansing of the Temple.

89 Jesus prays for His, and sends His brethren to attend to their domestic affairs. About Thomas and Iscariot. Peter and the Lord. 'Where faith is lacking there is little work for us.' The best seasoning. Healing by the laying on of hands. Return of the disciples. The young Mark - Peter's son. Thomas' good catch. Iscariot's nature.

90 Healing of the Son of a royal nobleman.

91 Comments on the Gospels of Matthew and John and evidence concerning the new revelation.

92 The Lord and Matthew. A proper order always is helpful - examples in washing and gathering up of stones from the field. About God's omniscience. The guidance of men. About guardian spirits. 'God is love!' About the relationship of God as purest love, and men. Exhortation to departure for Capernaum.

93 The Lord and Roban, the host, at Cana. About self-determination. Example in art. 'He who has, to him shall be given!' The life proper comes from the heart. Free of everything, the pilgrim's travel is easy.

94 About money. Judas Iscariot's worldly intellectual objections. Trust in God - the greatest treasure. Why Moses did not reach the promised land. The Lord's testimony about Himself. About the curse and the dangers of money in the hereafter and now. The redeeming fire from above. Judas' impudent praise of money. An earnest answer. 'What one loves one knows how to praise'.

95 Thomas and Judas. Judas' nature and Thomas' prediction. Judas' blasphemy.

96 The Lord quietens down Thomas, counselling forgiveness, for inner freedom. Thomas tells of Judas' arguments with John the Baptist and of his spiritual conceit. The Lord's hints about Judas. Arrival at Capernaum.

97 Occasion with the centurion of Capernaum. Healing of the sick servant in response to his master's request in faith. 'He who believes and has love - whether heathen or Jew, shall be blessed.' Diversity of signs at Capernaum.

98 The peoples' cunning towards the Jewish clerics, their challenge to them to also heal the sick through God's grace. The parsons' evasiveness. The peoples' threatening response and excellent testimony to Jesus.

99 The templers' anger and vindictiveness against the Lord. The Lord in Peter's the fisherman's hut. Jesus' favourite environs - the Galilean sea. The miraculous healing of Peter's daughter-in-law.

100 The Lord's instructions to Matthew. The distinction between Matthew's and John's Gospel: Matthew's is a factual report whilst John's highlights correspondences. The meal at Peter's hut. The miraculous catch. Peter's humble witness to the Lord's Deity. Allusion to the traitor.

101 Interruption of Peter's testimony to the Lord. Dinner at Peter's. The occasion between Peter and the boastful Judas. An unusual wine-miracle. Judas drunk. Great miraculous healings.

102 The case of the Jewish believers at Capernaum. A great healing miracle. The Lord's warning against the temple vipers. The leading scribe gives good testimony to the Lord from Isaiah. A crowd. The Lord puts the clever scribe in place.

103 'Let the dead bury the dead!' The Lord and His in the ship, avoiding the crowd. The storm. The Lord sleeping in the small boat, awoken by His. 'Oh ye of little faith'. The storm stilled and the people astonished.

104 Landing among the Gadarenes. The spectacle with the two possessed. Their healing through the Lord's word. A pagan sermon. The Gadarenes' fear. The Lord's departure. Good missionary work by the two healed.

105 Return to Nazareth. The Lord's morning meal at His earthly home. Diverse views about why Jesus worked no signs here. Visiting a synagogue. 'To speak is good but silence is better.' The nature of the temple clan; their hypocritical retort and furious questioning after Jesus.

106 A righteous man gives a good and true testimony of the Lord in the Synagogue. Comments on the personal and public life of Jesus of Nazareth - His life, deeds and teaching. The Pharisees' heated reaction. The man's renewed attack on the Pharisees' wickedness and his testimony to the Lord's Deity, causes the accused's furious departure. The believers try to elevate Jesus to teacher and high priest.

107 Simon the host's gladness about this fitting defeat of the Templers. The Lord's guidance on when to feel rightful joy and His warning against bad jokes. Examples: the healed Gadarenes and the duped blind man. The comedy of the world is a tragedy to God's children.

108 The Lord relieves Mary's domestic worries. Her thanks and His admonition. The disciples' and the Master's praise of Mary. The Lord's foretelling of the idolising of Mary. Warning against presumption. Vanity and haughtiness, women's weaknesses.

109 Peter and Simon discussing the future prospects for the Lord's teaching. The Lord urges trust in God. 'Do not trouble yourselves about future events but willingly attend to what you have been called'. Parable of the artist and his tool. 'You are a winnowing fan in the Father's hand'. 'What art Thou, Lord?' Hints about Father and Son.

110 Judas offended. The Lord's hint on him. Judas the glutton and trader in pots. The Lord and the three Pharisees, including Jairus of Capernaum.

111 The holy One with His company in the boat. Return to Jairus' house. The healing of the Greek woman with the issue. Her life-story in brief.

112 The death of Jairus' daughter. The Lord's comfort and promise. Resurrection of Jairus' daughter. The risen one's experiences in the beyond. The Lord's admonition to secrecy.

113 Further details regarding the different nature of the biblical Gospels of Matthew and John.

114 The Lord's words to Jairus about proper thanking. Peter's public testimony to the resurrection of the dead. Return to Mary's house at Nazareth. Peter's and Nathaniel's advice to Judas. Cain's spirit in Judas. Courage as a vice. The heathens as examples.

115 The surging crowd in front of Mary's house at Nazareth. The people's intention to proclaim Jesus king. A spokesman for the people explains to the maid that Jesus is the Promised One. The people seek and find Jesus. The commander Cornelius' timely assistance.

116 The occasion with the palsied and the Pharisees. The Lord comforts the sick. The ambitious and annoyed Templers. Healing of the palsied. The benefits from the healing.

117 The young Roman's severe but true addressing of the Pharisees. Example in the creation of Adam. Reference to the murder of Zacharias and his son John the Baptist. Commendable testimony to the Lord.

118 The offended Pharisees turn to the Lord. The Lord reveals still more of their profanity, their temple-abominations and so-called divine services.

119 About Temple-oaths. Where God does not dwell, there evil dwells. 'Though you believe not Me, yet believe the works!' The scriptures only a signpost to God. Parable of the journey to Rome. Only the doer of God's will gets to know God! The Lord soothes the people's revenge against the Templers and sails off by boat.

120 The Lord's landing and turning in at Matthew's, the tax-collector. His associating with the sinners and the Pharisees. About the rearing of children. About man's purpose and goal.

121 The Pharisees' conversation about Joseph, Mary and Jesus. A complaint of Joseph's and his doubters about Jesus. John the Gospeller's hints to the Pharisees.

122 About the two Matthews - the tax-official and the scribe. Occasion with the fishermen. The disciples of John, and those of Jesus. Peter's reply about John's behaviour.

123 John the Baptist's testimony to the Lord. Parable of the bridegroom and bride. 'He who has the Son has life eternal.' A blind critic of Jesus.

124 Parable of the new and old garment and the new wine in the old skins. Of bourgeois economics and mercy. Social hints. The earth as man's common weal, within the Divine order. Reason for the Sinflood. Pointer to today's catastrophe.

125 The Lord's further talk with John's disciples about the Essenes. About the worldly wisdom of the bourgeoisie. The tax-collector's house as an example of altruism. About God's blessing and trust in God. The Lord's testimony to John the Baptist. An exhortation towards mildness and mercy towards the poor. Enemies of God.

126 A food and wine miracle. Those whom angels serve and where. About God's faithfulness and constancy and blessing.

127 Judas and Thomas talk. The blind disciple of Johns' awkward question. The Lord's gentleness draws praise. The death of Cornelius' daughter. About the true emulation of Christ.

128 Occasion with another woman with issue. About the Gospellers Mark and Luke. The Lord in the chief Cornelius' house. Resurrection of Cornelius' dead daughter.

129 The awakened one's experiences in the hereafter. Her appropriate question about like. The Lord's answer. A Roman stranger's good testimony to the Lord. The Lord's special instruction. About free will.

130 Occasion with the blind beggars. The Lord disregards their flattery. The two blind healed. 'Work only out of love!'

131 Healing of the possessed deaf and dumb. The Pharisee's testimony as of the devil. Cornelius pronounces crucifixion for the wicked. Matthew talks to the condemned. Their clever apologetics and rescue through Jesus.

132 The little village of misery, a work of the tyrant Herod. The Lord's profound speech about allowing this.

133 A miracle of food and clothing in the little village of hunger. The enlightened child. The Lord's Word to the heavens. Jesus and the child.

134 First mission of the twelve apostles. Further explanations regarding the choice of texts in the biblical Gospels of Matthew and John.

135 Matthew the tax collector's talk to his fellow disciples. The Lord's hints for His missionaries. Judas and Thomas talk. Simon of Cana's financial question. The Lord's Word about money and money-orientation of the time.

136 Judas' questions and comments about travel without money. The Lord's holy hints - 'Be ye clever without guile and gentle.' Judas' judgmental retort.

137 The Lord's answer to Judas' missionary suggestions. Judas' soul from below. An earthly lifestyle is the death of the spirit. Retrospection to mankind's guidance. Now is the joyous time of the Lord's coming in the gentle breeze. The sufferings of the missionaries. A passage from Isaiah. The disciples comforted.

138 A proper question: What if the harvest from sowing heavenly seed, full of love-peace, yields discord? 'Do not be concerned about Satan defending himself.' More objections from Judas. The Lord's exhortation to trust and to fearless spreading of the Gospel.

139 Portentous life and behavioural hints. He who loves anything more than the Lord is not worthy of Him! The world has need of conflict. A glorious promise for the love-faithful.

140 About the spirit world in eternal, infinite space. The power of God's children in eternity.

141 Missionary and behavioural hints for the apostles. Perpetual prophecy and about true and false prophets. The first sending out of the apostles to Israeli locations. Promise of more light upon the apostles' return.

142 The first missionary work of the dispatched apostles. Occasion of the weeping residents and the Herodian tax-extortionists. Missionary success. The converted extortionists as good witnesses to the disciples.

143 The Lord's works during the apostle's absence. More details about John the Baptists' doubts about Jesus' Messiahship. John's inquiry of the Lord Himself. The Lord's answer.

144 The Lord's hints about John's works and plight. Jesus and John - sun and moon. 'He must wax and I wane!' The Lord's testimony of John: 'He is more than a prophet, he is Elijah'.

145 John the Baptist's spirit and soul. 'I am the Way and the Life' John's calling and individual freedom as prophet. The nature of asking. About the penitent sinner and the ninety-nine self-righteous.

146 Kisjonah, the tax-collector's conversion. An instance of the Lord's condescending and merciful grace. The Pharisees' and fanatical Jews' anger. Their conversation.

147 The departure of the ultra-orthodox Jews and their losing their way and their return. Their overnight stay with Kisjonah. The Lord's parable of the pipers. The Jews' anger and their threatening of the Lord.

148 The disciples want to see the Lord vindicated. 'After this life there still comes an eternal life.' The Lord's pronouncement over Chorazim, Bethsaida and Capernaum. Vision of a future judgment. 'I thank Thee Father... that Thou hast revealed it unto babes.' 'I and the Father are One.'

149 Nathanael, keeping a Gospel privately and the Lord. About judgment day. Glorious promises for the awakened. 'Woe betide the opponents of My order'. 'He whom the Father has not drawn comes not to the Son' 'The Father is the love of the Son.' 'Come unto Me, all ye... that I may quicken you'.

150 The Lord exposes and deals with the Pharisees' maliciousness. Fear-struck, they head for the sea; driven back again by the storm, fear keeps them quiet in Capernaum.

151 Mountaineering. About Canaan's mountains. Kisjonah's questioning of the temple spies. The mountain's quaking answer and its effect. First overnight stay on Kisjonah's alp.

152 Reaching the peak the second day. Beautiful views and wondrous occurrences. Communication with the souls and spirits of the departed. Special location in the beyond for celebrities. Regions of the beyond - Satan's exclusions from the beyond. About viewing of the spirits. Kisjonah's wish to see the angels.

153 About time-keeping in accordance with the movement of the stars in yonder time. Kisjonah's inquisitive daughters instructed by three lunar spirits about the lunar world. 'Let go of wisdom and go by love'.

154 The three angels (Cherubim) bring the twelve disciples to the Lord on the mountain. The heavenly meal of the eight hundred upon the mountain. Kisjonah's speech The book of 'Jehovah's wars'.

155 Caution towards spiritual novices. Hints about graduated spiritual development. How God can be Man and man a god. Distinction between scientific orientation and that through faith. How to initiate, spiritually, in the right way.

156 The cool, invigorating morning breeze. Peace-spirits. Descent from the mountain-peak after the Lord's company's extended stay. The blind Mosaic detractors. The Lord's hint about Moses' account of the creation.

157 Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.

158 Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.

159 The fourth day - the right cognition in the heart.

160 Creation of the Fourth Day.

161 Continuation of the explanation of the Fourth Day.

162 Spiritual interpretation and correspondence of the Genesis of Moses.

163 The Pharisee's response to the Lord's explanation of Moses' account of Creation. The Lord's prophecy about Jerusalem's judgement. Silence to be kept on the spiritual vision and experiences.

164 Judas Iscariot reports on his journey through the air and asks useless questions. The Lord's answer and Thomas' reprimand.

165 The Lord's entourage upon the mountain. Kisjonah's question to the three angels. 'Why must men be born?' Pure angels, fallen spirits and men. Flesh not as an end, but a means for soul development.

166 Kisjonah's amazement and comprehension. About the creation of Adam. About the nature of man and woman. The fall of woman and its bad effect on man. Mankind's decline. About the Lord's Incarnation and salvation.

167 About marriage. Downfall of mankind through woman. "Woe to the world when women again begin to wear finery and to bedeck themselves and will sit on the thrones; then the earth will be put through the fire!"

168 About culture and schools. Priorities. The Pharisees' sadness at mankind's straying. The Lord's hints about His Word, the world and mankind. Man's relationship with God.

169 Competition for warmth in the alpine hut. Occasion with the old blind descendant of Tobias. A special kind of heating. Fireworks on the alp. The angels' reprimand the derisory women. A Gospel on laughter.

170 Occasion of the half-blind Tobias with the three angels and the Lord. Tobias is healed. Correspondence of this healing with our time. The evening meal upon the heights.

171 The Pharisees among themselves. Rhiba, the smart one, invents a story about the Nazarene. His suggestion to kill Jesus for the sake of peace.

172 A worthy retort from another Pharisee - the healed Tobias. His honest testimony to Jesus and His holy teaching and deeds. About the Templer's atrocity. A curse prophesied for the Jews.

173 The Pharisees' rage against their colleague. The three angels prevent Tobias' stoning. Continuing discussions between the faithless Templers and Tobias. The Lord tells the drunk and sleepy Templers to rest. Climbing the hill for sunrise.

174 A glorious sunrise. Tobias' fitting words. The Lord's life hints to him. Conduct for judges and law-givers. Dealing with criminals and the condemned.

175 The Lord with His, back at Kisjonah's hut. Domestic hints. The Lord's magnanimity towards His enemies. He and His, fasting. The Pharisaical Sabbath. Descent. The Pharisee and Matthew on the Sabbath.

176 Occasion with the Pharisees and the gleaning of the wheat on a Sabbath. Mercy is better than offerings. 'The Son of Man is lord over the Sabbath'. Healing of the person with the withered hand. The Pharisees want to stone Jesus. Kisjonah intervenes. The Lord departs, healing many.

177 The disciples puzzled at the Lord's apparent fear. The Lord's response. The hungry Judas and his counsellor Thomas. Peter's timely chiding of both. The Lord's praise. Rules of conduct.

178 The Lord's company crosses the sea. A meal on board, on arrival. The inhabitants' joy at the Saviour's arrival. Miraculous healing of the possessed, dumb and blind. An upright man extends hospitality to the Lord.

179 The old host's humbleness and magnanimity. Grace from above. The Lord's glory. The people praise the Lord and expose the Templers.

180 The consulting Pharisees. The young Pharisee's commendable plan for protecting the Saviour and what he said to the people.

181 The young, better Pharisee is well received by the people. The people threaten revolt against the Temple. The young Pharisee's artfulness with his colleagues.

182 Temple-fraud. Healing miracle. Sins which are forgiven. Priestly "infallibility".

183 Ahab the Templer with his colleagues: his success. They head for Baram's house.

184 The people work the Pharisees over, cornering them.

185 The Lord quietens the people down for the sake of the Pharisees, extending an invitation to the latter. His precious talk to them.

186 The Pharisees' incorrigible stubbornness. The Lord's sharp words to them. Hints about diverse types of possession and the influence of evil spirits. The Pharisees' fury.

187 Ahab instructed and warned by the Lord. 'To remain silent is better than well-meant lies!' Salvation comes to all nations from the Jews. Comparison of the Jerusalemite Temple with that of Delphi. An instance of oracular dialectics. The Greek's testimony to the Lord. The Gospel of life to the Greeks.

188 Arrival in Jesaira of Mary, with Joseph's sons. 'Who is My mother, who My brethren'. Baram inviting the Lord to supper; dismissal of the people. The Pharisees' curse over Baram and their just mugging.

189 Baram apologises for his behaviour. Ahab warns against the Temple's revenge; the Lord's comfort for both. Baram - Joseph's apprentice. Mary's joy upon reunion with the Lord. Ahab speaks about a typical, fanatical Temple-manoeuvre against Jesus, in view of the resurrection of Jairus' daughter.

190 Mary's account of her and Joseph's sons' expulsion from their property by the Pharisees. Baram's and Kisjonah's offer to Mary pleases the Lord. The Lord boards a ship to give His sermon on the Kingdom of heaven to the people.

191 The parables of the kingdom of heaven, the sower and the seed. Explanation of: "He who has, to him shall be given; he who has not, from same shall be taken what he has.

192 The parables of the tares among the wheat, and the mustard seed. The disciples' non-comprehension. Ahab's commendable quote from Isaiah regarding the Messiah. The uncomprehending people are sent home. The Pharisees upon the stormy sea.

193 The Lord with His in the storm, stills the sea. Ahab reprehends the doubting disciples. Judas' remark, and Ahab's humble testimony to the Messiah. The Lord's hints about Ahab.

194 Man's spiritual fatherland: his interior as a life gathering abode. About Father, Son and holy Spirit. The Lord blesses Kisjonah.

195 Surprise upon arriving at Kisjonah's home town. Jairuth and Jonael's reunion. The Lord's miraculous assistance through an angel.

196 More miraculous angelic service in Kisjonah's house. Just one angel in charge of the terrestrial plant world. The angel's hints about his power, which only is that of the Lord. The quick messenger.

197 The holy entourage at supper, and then in the star lit open, upon the hill of snakes, where Kisjonah intends building a school. Hints about conditions on earth. Jesus, Lord over the snakes. Clarification of the parable of the tares. Life hints.

198 Continuation of the clarification of the parable of the tares. Not keeping a promise is most reprehensible. 'Let you be loving and righteous!' Parable of the treasure in the field. The disciples' comprehension.

199 Parable of the great pearl, and of the net. Ahab's understating of the foul fishes. A good householder uses the old as well as the new.

200 The Samaritans' disgraceful expulsion of the high priest Jonael. 'The Lord works in mysterious ways'. The Lord's imponderable acquiescence. A seemingly just petition.

201 The Lord's hints on the twofold nature of tolerance, to test Satan and the faithful. Hints on ministry and conduct.

202 Further hints on ministry and conduct for the Sycharites, 'Teach firstly through good deeds and then with simple words'. The truly free church. 'Ye all are brethren'. The right Sabbath. A proper 'House of God', and 'Divine Service'.

203 An admission of guilt. The true spirit of Jesus' pure teaching. Further hints on ministry and conduct. Jonael's song of praise to the Lord.

204 Kisjonah and Baram excel each other in charity. He who does good has wind in his sails. Parable of the mother with the unequal sons. True love and self-interest.

205 About the nature of love. Love desires and seeks gratification. Difference between celestial and infernal love. Baram, from love of the Lord, bring the Lord a morning meal. Hints on reward for charity.

206 The guests' good cheer at the morning meal, and the angel's sadness. About human nutrition. Body, soul, spirit.

207 The bad consequences of intemperance upon the soul. Spiritual death as a consequence of immoderance. The harmfullness of castration for the sake of communication with spirits. The Lord's life and teaching as our example.

208 The Lord with His in the garden. Matthew orders his Scriptures. Quiet before the storm. The wise angel comforting the people in the face of the impending hurricane. Earthquake, sea and thunderstorm.

209 The purpose of this storm: the demise of the Lord's enemies. Dangers to missionaries. The storm's good results. The good catch.

210 Excursion to Cana in the valley. The poor Jewish farmers and the profiteering Greek traders. Kisjonah's debtors and his generosity. Brief life-instructions for the people. The Lord's testimony to Himself and His ministry, and its good effects.

211 Great healing miracle in Cana of the Valley. Commendable petition to the Lord by the elders. A faith-test. The Lord's address to the physically sick. Gospel rules and social hints. The curse of usury. Progressive social disintegration. Threat of punishment from above.

212 The Lord's decisive and humorous chat with Philopold, the Greek. The hardened stoic's loud-mouthed reply. God's patience too has its limits. Matthew and the obstinate Greek.

213 About visitor-souls on earth. The earth as the only school for children of God. About re-incarnation. The solar world Procyon. About the Lord's Incarnation. The angel's messenger-wonders. Murahel (Philopold) and the Archangel Archiel. The contractual deed from the solar world.

214 Philopold's spiritual vision. An occasion with the family upon the solar world Akka. The converted Philopold's hymn of praise to God's love. The recently-signed contract. Reason for the veiling of our retrospection to our pre-existence. About the relationship between body, soul and spirit. Man's spirit a miniature God. Difference between terrestrial, spiritual being, and other worlds.

215 Archiel speaks about the Lord's Incarnation. Philopold's timidity, and his being summoned to the Lord.

216 Philopold's unassuming and commendable talk. The Lord's grace-filled reply. Two varieties of men upon earth - from below and from above. Reason for the Lord's Incarnation upon earth. 'The last will be the first'. Behavioral hints for the healed. Hints for Matthew and John as scribes. About the current New Revelation.

217 Warning against Satan's traps. The wicked one can influence only the senses, but not the will of the soul.

218 The goings on at Kisjonah's during the Lord's absence. The Pharisee's mis-direction by Kisjonah's servants, and their recall on the Lord's order. The Pharisees' confession and request for healing of their sick. A great healing miracle.

219 Another hint about ministry. Fermenting of the emotions. Parable of the fattening bull. Blessing in affliction.

220 Ahab's astonishment at Divine wisdom. Self understanding is most essential. Be not only hearers, but doers of God's Word! The true, living rest in God. Warning against excessive sleep and indigence.

221 About the curse of lethargy and the blessing of activity. Lukewarm and severe rulers. Mary and Thomas. Recording of this teaching about activity, called "the night sermon" by Matthew. Why this record got lost.

222 The five Bethlehemite Pharisees washing the Lord's feet. A quick Gospel of life.

223 The five Pharisees' opinion on the Lord. One Pharisees' view: He is either God or a devil! The Pharisees' opinions on socialism. Hints on teaching.

224 Kisjonah and Baram compete in love. Importance of introspection. Introspection disturbed by Satan.

225 Disturbance of introspection. Apparition of a monster, a real Leviathan. Promise of reward for courageous perseverance. The Angel Archiel drives away the beast. The threatening thunderstorm. Strengthening of the weak.

226 The spiritual method of teaching and about nature and effect of proper introspection.

227 After the meal, a voyage at sea. Messengers herald the falling ill of Jairus' daughter. The Lord warns Jairus' messengers. Return to Kis.

228 Jairus and the physicians at his daughter Sarah's death bed. Borus of Nazareth tells him the truth. The Pharisees' threat. Borus' retort and blunt question to Jairus.

229 Jairus' cowardly and timid answer. Borus' bold and sharp reproach. About retaliation in the beyond. Borus denies help to Jairus, and leaves.

230 The disciples' gladness at Borus' stand, and Mary's thanks. Kisjonah's gift for Mary and Joseph's sons: a lovely property. Joses'(son of Joseph) piousness. The Lord's comforting prophecy. 'I and the Father are One, not two'. Death of Joseph, and his testimony on Jesus. Caution when confiding spiritual secrets.

231 Kisjonah's people apprehend a band of Temple robbers and smugglers. Kisjonah and the Roman judge's orders in the case. Arrival of the 'fine' caravan.

232 Liberation and care for the stolen children. The Lord's instructions for the prosecution of the Pharisaical scoundrels. Preparation for the trial.

233 Intensive interrogation of the twelve Pharisees. Augustus Caesar's favorable certification of the Templers. How the Templers fulfill God's Commandments. Heavy penalty for the evil doers for breach of forestry law, and crime against the crown.

234 The trapped Pharisees. Steep penalty paid. Another suspicion: ambush by the Pharisees of imperial tax moneys. The robbers take fright.

235 The Chief Judge Faustus and the Lord. Great friends and moving encounter.

236 At the meal. Faustus' praise of Jesus' teaching. Faustus' love for Lydia. The Lord as middleman. Lydia's loving acceptance. Faustus' memorable dream about the glorious Father in Jesus. 'What God has joined, man should not sunder. Marital hints.

237 Philopold's arrival. The Lord's prophecy. The trial of the Temple robbers continues. Faustus' effective sentencing.

238 Continuation of the trial. Public confession of the thirty accomplices. Faustus' mitigation of the sentence.

239 Continuation of the court scene. The eleven Temple scoundrels cornered. They plead for mercy. Offer of further cave treasures as ransom.

240 About the true honouring of the Sabbath. Release of the eleven. Distribution of the cave treasures. Return of the children, and compensation of the robbed.

241 A word for our time. Illness and death of children. Negative spiritual influence on children. The material Creation as gathering place of spirits under judgment.

242 About the secret of life-force. The cleansing effect of sickness and diet. Importance of proper nutrition for children. The Mosaic dietary prescriptions. Warning against consumption of maggoty and unripe fruit; potatoes and coffee.