God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi (cont.)

- Chapter 202 -

The origin of the Jabusimbil Temple, the Sphinx and the Columns of Memnon, depicted by the hieroglyphs of the first two pearls.

But his companions said: "How could you have talked to the Lord, when you have not spoken one word with Him?!"
The leader said: "Here, where He is present, everything goes forth from Him, and we therefore have only to do with Him, irrespective if we negotiate with His disciples!" - With this answer they were content and said nothing more.
However, some said to the angel: "Listen, you wonder boy, wouldn't you also bring the quite interesting treasures of the five of us to here, which we keep hidden in our huts?"
Said the angel: "Just pick them up from your feet under the table, and we shall see what it is!"
Here the five moors look underneath the table and to their biggest surprise they see the only too well known, considerable large bundles, place the same on the table, and another four considerable lumps of Gold appear, which together weigh over hundred pounds; however, in the fifth bundle seven rather large river stones appear, which Marcus who was standing next to the angel regarded as completely worthless.
But the angel said: "Just wait, soon you will discover that these seven stones, earthly seen, have the greatest and incalculable value! Just bring a hard, iron hammer, and we will examine them!"
Marcus hurries, since full of curiosity himself, to his workshop and soon appears again with a hard, iron hammer and hands it to the angel. He takes such a stone into his hand and hits it carefully several times, whereupon the whitish, silica-like crust comes loose, and a pearl the seize of a human head appears, leaving everybody absolutely speechless.
On the surface of this wonder pearl were hieroglyphics and other signs engraved. Amongst others there was also a quite good drawing of the temple Ja bu sim bil during the building period, namely when the four gigantic figures after a hundred-and-seventy years work full of sweat and other sacrifices were completed and people still were working lively at the facades and through sculpturing engraving gigantic scriptures and other signs into the flat, large surfaces, and when at the same time they were starting to cut open the gate in the middle between the gigantic figures. Who could decipher these signs and scriptures which were clearly visible, had the origin of this temple in front of him and also the reason, why it was build by the ancient Egyptians, namely near the Nile river.
This pearl therefore does not only have an incalculable value as a giant among its kind, but also a historic value. At the same time it also originates from a time period of the earth, when it still took many thousands of years, until the first human in flesh stepped onto this earth.
At the earth's time, when such gigantic shell animals lived in the sea, huge waves of the world's sea were still covering the largest parts of the low lying countries of Africa. The ancient Egyptians found the mother-shell during the foundation diggings of the first pyramids, and when they opened the mother-shell they found these seven pearls in it, of which the angel has now freed one of them from its crust.
Naturally, the angel now was stormed with questions, and he explained the circumstances as it was given here in all shortness.
When Raphael finished the of course only superficial explanation of the first revealed pearl, he said: "What you need to know for the time being, I have briefly explained to you as clear as possible; let us now move on to the exposure of the second pearl, which is somewhat smaller than the first!"
Here the angel took the second pearl and freed it in the same way from its crust as the first one. It also was full of signs and scriptures. On one of the smoothest surfaces the little temple of Ja bu sim bil was engraved and next to it a head, similar to this of the great Sphinx. And the angel was again stormed, to explain all these signs and inscriptions.
And he (the angel) said: "Friends, without the full awakening of the spirit in the soul none of the currently living people will be able to interpret everything, what is written and drawn on this pearl!
Although this pearl is as old as the first and largest pearl, it has only been engraved and in-scripted a hundred years later, namely during the time of completion of the smaller rock temple, in which, however, the inner of the larger temple was not fully completed. Therefore the smaller temple is here presented as fully completed.
The head presents the already seventh shepherd-king of the time, who gave himself the name Shivinz (wrongly 'Sphinx'), the lively, the entrepreneur. He nearly reached the age of three-hundred years, and his head was colossally sculptured from a large granite rock, which still today is quite well preserved and visible.
This Shivinz introduced large improvements in the schools, as well as in cattle breeding and in agriculture, however, he also enjoyed from his people a nearly divine worshipping. The signs and scriptures indicate the very many good things and improvements, which he introduced to this country with his extremely active spirit.
He did not started to chisel the large temple, since this was done by two of his ancestors who were very much devoted to the invisible spirit of God; out of great respect he had them chiselled from rock in a colossal seize not far from the great temple in a sitting position on a beautiful plain near the Nile, as an everlasting memory. And since the two had no name and out of modesty did not want to carry a name, he gave them a name and called them 'The Nameless' (Me maine oni, = badly translated in later times: 'Memnon'), of which both picture columns are still quite well preserved and visible until this day."
Said the leader: "Yes, yes, we have seen and admired all this! But how old would all these extraordinary things be?"
Says the angel: "Near to three-thousand years, and the next three-thousand years will not completely eradicate their tracks! - Just wait a little, we will now reveal the third pearl; on its surface we will next to the two ancestors of Shivinz, already as statues, still see other major events engraved, which will make you think a lot!"
