God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 7

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord and his adversary. Gospel of John, Chapter 9

- Chapter 201 -

The Lord calms down the people.

After My relentless speech, the people shouted for joy again: "If this Man were in reality not Christ and did not possess the fullest godly power, He never would have had the courage to throw these great truths in the face of these tyrants! Anyone else they would grab and tear up in anger, but for Him they stand as guilty big criminals before a merciless judge! Yes, yes, so it is! He did nothing else but throwing the full plain truth before their feet, and as their Lord He also has shown them the well-deserved reward. So this temple rabble deserves nothing better than to be mercilessly grabbed, be driven to the Jordan and to be drowned as the worst scapegoats of the whole big country of the Jews!"
I said to the people: "Do not judge, as if it were given to you to judge and to punish, but be patient with the sinners. Because it is written, according to the word out of the mouth of God: 'Wrath and vengeance are Mine.' You people should remember that God the Lord is the only true Judge, who knows at the right time to reward what is good and to punish evil. It is up to you to be patient with the sinners. Because when someone is bodily very ill, it would be very strange to punish him immediately, because usually it is his own fault that he became so miserable and sick. When an experienced doctor comes by and says to the sick person that there is still a good chance to help him if he will let himself be treated by a good doctor and will do what he says and the sick person discards the advice of the doctor, it is of course his own fault when he goes to ruin in a miserable way because he holds on to his hardness.
And look, it is precisely so with these blind scribes and Pharisees. As a true doctor I have shown them the two great shortcomings of their soul and thereby also have prescribed the medicines, but if they discard them and do not want to apply it, judgment will not come by Me but it will come by the result of their stubbornness by which they will be thrown into misery and ruin.
Therefore, God has given commandments to man for the salvation of his soul. If he will keep them, he will be eternally happy, but if he does not want to keep them at all, he will be the one who will punish himself. Because once God has established a permanent and unchangeable order without which the existence of any creature would be conceivable. He faithfully has revealed this order through many revelations to free man, and according to his complete free will man should conform himself to it and allow himself to be guided and be developed by it. If man will do that he will come to perfection according to the will of God, and will become a being who is equal to God, being equipped with all godly love, wisdom, power and might. And by that he will inherit the true sonship of God. This he impossibly can achieve in another way except through the ways that were very faithfully proclaimed to him at all times for the benefit of this supreme goal.
Now what matters to man are entirely a true faith and then his complete free will. If he believes and acts according to it, then he becomes the most happy being in God's entire infinity, but if he does not believe and will not act according to it, then he only can blame himself when his soul becomes more and more miserable and blind, and will have less and less life in him.
And that is why I have come Myself as Man to show you the right ways, because you have never believed completely the messengers that I had sent, and therefore you also did not act according to their words.
But now, if you also do not believe Me and do not want to live according to My teaching, then I am asking you, who must still come after Me, so that you would believe him and act according to his teaching? If you do not believe Me, the Master of all that lives, who then do you want to believe after Me, act accordingly and be blessed?
The fact that they do not believe Me and also do not want to life according to My teaching, of that, the servants of the temple are surely giving you the most clear proof."
