The Household of God
Volume 2
Rise and spiritual prime of the first world empire Hanoch
- Chapter 156 -
And they all fell down before the now recognized stranger and glorified and praised in Him the most holy Father Who showed them so much grace and mercy that this time He stayed with them also on the dispute day - just as He had promised them.
But the stranger promptly bade them rise again and then told them: "Little children, My name is Abba; thus you shall at all times call Me in your hearts.
"If you call Me thus in the spirit and all truth, I shall listen to your call at all times; however, if you call Me by some other name, I shall not listen to your call but shall turn My ear away from your mouth and shall not look with My eyes at your works!
The slave has a master; nature has an inexorable God as its Creator and Judge; before Jehovah all things must pass away, for the Eternal and Everlasting suffers nothing within and without Him .. for His holiness is untouchable -, only the Father knows His little children, and these shall recognize alone Him and shall call: 'Abba, dear Father!', and He will listen to them at all times and will give them all that He Himself has, namely, the perfect, eternal life and all the endless treasures of the same.
"You are asking yourselves in your hearts: 'How are we supposed to do this? For the Father is also the sole eternal God and is infinite and exceedingly holy. If we call to the Father, we call also secretly that which we are not supposed to call.
"'How can we call out 'Father!' without at the same time remembering Who the Father is?
"Yet I tell you all and even demand it that you shall at all times remember Who your Father is; for He created also you, just as He created the whole of infinity. All created beings He left as they were created; but you He transformed in His eternal love to His children.
"'Therefore, you shall always call Him 'Father', however, at all times remembering Who the Father is, and He will always hear you;
"As God, I am an eternal Judge in accordance with My infinite wisdom and holiness - for nothing can approach God and live -; but in My equally infinite love I am a Father and want to gather all My children around Me.
"Do not ask who is the more mighty, God or the Father; for there is only one God and one Father, and all this I am at present visibly before you.
"Remain with the Father all of you and you will not ever be judged and perish; for the Father judges no one - least of all His children who always truly and faithfully acknowledge Him in their hearts as the sole true, good Father and as such also actively worship Him.
"Just as you do not judge your children, but merely instruct, teach and guide them, also I do.
That I do this, of this you can convince yourselves just now, for I have come to you and teach you personally to walk on the roads of life.
"Would I do this unless you were My children and I were your good Father?
"Oh surely not! For surely it would be much easier for Me to keep you under judgment, like all other created beings; however, since I do not do this, it is obvious that you are My children and I am the good Father of you all.
Today I came again to you as a stranger and you did not recognize Me, - because you called out 'Jehovah', but not truly 'Father'.
"So remain with the Father completely, and I shall henceforth no longer be a stranger to you.
"Since I am now with you, rejoice, and come to Me all of you! Amen."