God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 2

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus in the Vicinity of Caesara Philippi (Matthew 16)

- Chapter 208 -

Coercive law and love.

(The Lord:) "Behold, a maiden of low standing went her way by night. She was busy with some business for her Lord, but was delayed so that she was overtaken by darkness on her way back. Half way there she passes the house of a pious hermit, as there are many in all parts of Judea, living a strict life-style on account of the Kingdom of God, the way they profess it and also strive for. The long overdue maiden upon a stormy night knocks on hermit's door, asking for admission and accommodation for the night.
The hermit steps outside, seeing the begging one is a maiden, obviously capable of defiling his hut on entering. Gripped with holy zeal, he says: 'Don't you thing dare entering my God-consecrated hut, making it unclean, and me with it! Move on whence you came!' With these words he cheerfully shuts the door, relieved to be rid of the danger threatening his purity, leaving the weeping maiden to her harsh lot. Where after he turns back into his hut, praising God for protecting him against such soul-hazard by His grace and was not troubled in the least about the poor maiden; not worrying whether she suffers casualty in a dark night.
An hour later the storm-battered maiden comes to the house of a reputable tax-collector, whom orthodox Jews regard as great sinners. This one heard the maiden wailing from afar, whilst standing watch at his barrier, being no friend of early retiring; whence the orthodox called him a disorderly clot.
The sinful clot however quickly lights a flare, going after the moating girl; and finding her limping along crying, comforts her and lifts her on his powerful arm, carrying her into his house and handing her food and drink, preparing her soft lodging. In the morning he gives her presents, saddling two donkeys for her, accompanying and seeing her safely to her distant home fortified and of good cheer. -
Behold, the hermit is a strict penitent, living in self-imposed punishment, meticulously avoiding everything that could in the least muddy his supposedly pure soul, assuming to greatly please God therewith; he is nonetheless much concerned that the world take him for a spotless holy man of God, the more so because his chamber is said to have never yet been entered by a female. Such moral purity of course also increases the value of his property, which would be certain to diminish if trodden by a maiden's foot, for one could not tell whether she was in a unclean state.
The tax-collector however is little concerned whether they paint him black or white, - they take his house to be the most unclean anyway, so that an orthodox Jew would not enter it. Lest it could make him unclean for ten days. Hence the tax-collector doesn't care what people say of him or his house, and he therefore acts out of freedom, as his heart prompts him, thinking to himself: even if I am a great sinner, I shall nevertheless practice mercy, so that I may once also find mercy with God!"
Tell me, My dear Josoe, which of the two would you favour?"
Says Josoe, smiling: "Oh, unhesitatingly the tax-collector; for if all men on Earth were like the hermit, then mens' lives would soon be in the last stage, and hence nasty! And You could steal the stupid hermit with his moral purity off me ten times per hour! Verily, were I to have heaven to hand out after death, the hermit would certainly be the last, who, I would show the last spot in the lowermost heaven, and he would not move ahead until he became like the tax-collector! - Am I right or not?"
