The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4
Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi (cont.)
- Chapter 173 -
Gaby's former Pharisaic principles.
Says I: "This was extremely good for you only, that you fully have expressed yourself; nevertheless everything, you still have to tell Me one thing very faithfully, - but again, not for the sake of Me, but only on your behalf! See, when you were sworn in at the temple, didn't you at that stage believed in no God at all, because with all your senses you immediately began with deception, to become a fully fledged pharisee with all malice possible? Didn't anybody tell you, that a pharisee is a servant of God and priest following Aaron and never be a selfish and power-hungry swindler of people? How could you ever let such a fundamental evil sense sprout in your heart?
Isn't to be useful to people wherever possible, already a most marvellous principle of life, which already the old pagan wise men regarded in the highest honour and lived accordingly?! Didn't once Socrates said: 'If you, mortal human, want to honour the gods in a worthy manner, then serve your brothers; since they are, just like you, the most delightful work of the gods! If you love the people, then you sacrifice to all the gods who are good, and the evil will not be able to punish you!' The Romans said: 'Live honourable, harm nobody and give to everybody what is his!' See, such was the value of the Romans, who were heathens; how could you, therefore, as a Jew, take up such hellish sense?
Couldn't you just at least a little think by yourself, that there must be a God, who does not want anything else than good and who could not have created man just for the short span of life here on earth, but must have created him for eternity?! See, about this you still have to give Me a strict true account and express yourself completely! And now speak!"
Said Gaby: "God, Lord and Master since eternity, if I ever had the opportunity to hear only the hundredths part of what I have learned in these most noteworthy three days, I certainly would not have taken up such evil sense; but - Exempla trahunt (examples entices!) -, also discovered by the Romans - I had such examples and patterns before me, who were worse than worse! And these bad examples and patterns lived quite well at the same time, and always the better, the more they mastered the art, to blatantly deceive the people and keep them in the dark.
Since they said: Nature - not God, who was nothing else than an old peoples poetry - has given the brighter human already from the cradle the direction, that he, if he really wants to live well, have to exploit above all the stupidity of the people; who does not understand this, stays a fool for his whole life and should remain a human work-animal equipped with some reason, and feed himself from thorns and thistles and lie on stubbles!
As peoples teachers one should only be worried, to keep the common human work-animals in the most thickest superstition! As long as this is effected, the actual spiritual people can live well; however, as soon the common people are shown the truth and given the light, the actual spiritual people had to pick up mattock, plough, spade and sickle themselves and with sweat in their faces had to eat the hard earned bread.
The real human must strive for it, that he is regarded by the human work-animals at least as a half-god. If he reached this goal, he must lock up his light like an Egyptian grave and surround himself with all kind of false luster and deadening mist; then the human work-animals will soon start to worship him, and this even more so, if he from time to time shows them some kind of apparent usefulness. In short, he must be able to fundamentally, but nevertheless falsely, prove to the human work-animals, that it is to their incalculable advantage, if they are abused or even beaten to death by their supposed half-god!
One should give them hard laws and place as sanction the sharpest temporary and most severest threatening eternal punishments upon them, and promise to the faithful follower of the laws, certainly no earthly advantages, but the more so greater everlasting advantages after death, - and under such conditions one should be standing as a true human in front of the countless human work-animals! If his successors are able to keep the mob in the darkest night of superstition, thousands of years would not be enough to enlighten them; however, if they are unable to do so, they, exposed as swindlers of the people, had to pitifully flee as far as possible.
Moses and Aaron were such true people, who by their awakened mind and by their abundance of knowledge, soon discovered the weaknesses of the Israelite people, took over the leadership of the people as guides and by bringing prosperity, and through a finely thought of, but nevertheless extraordinary swindle, misled the people to such an extend, that they even today are still as stupid as they were nearly a thousand years ago at the foot of Sinai and will stay that way for still many thousand years to come. But basically this is still a relief for the people; since humans from the beginning are lazy beasts and must therefore ruled with an iron sceptre and must be whipped with rods to do good!
Lord, what I revealed here is not just futile poetry of my imagination, but the full truth! This is the inner view of the divine revelation of every perfect pharisee, which becomes even more valuable, the more incomprehensible it is. The High Song of Salomon fits this setup just perfectly; also the prophets including Moses, are very useful! And this was also an additional reason, why I decided to go for the High Song.
I am again at the end and believe, to have proven at great length, that my earlier disposition could impossibly be different; since like the instructions, so are people, and also are their will and their actions! That I now look back on such really infernal instructions with the deepest disdain, is self-explanatorily! But I also expect from You, o Lord, that You, according to Your Love and Wisdom, most leniently forgive me my thinking and actions as revealed here faithfully and truthfully!"
Says I: "How could I keep it from you, since you yourself have banned all these works of hell from yourself forever? Since for this very reason I asked you to rid yourself loudly in front of all of us from this, so that your heart could become completely free, and its most inner foundation of life can now belong to the fullest truth! Simultaneously I effected the goal that all present here should hear from the mouth of reliable witnesses, what the pharisees of today are really are, and why it was necessary that I Myself had to come into this world personally, so that all mankind does not perishes and is lost. - But now you two, balance yourself again completely, and you Simon should now express your most inner opinion about Me to us all!"