God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 6

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord on the Mount of Olives (John Chapter 8)

- Chapter 214 -

On the Book of Job and the temple at Abu Simbil.

(Said the Roman:) "Tell me: What do you think of the book Job? How do you like the dialogue between God and Job, and this between God and Satan? What are you saying about it and how do you explain this strange story?"
Said the pharisee: "Again such a question, which cannot be answered by any reasonable person! What are you saying to your Icarion, to your Bacchus and to your Orpheus? Our Job never ever existed, and everything is a devout legend, written by an old seer who once wrote down his poetry with a morally dark luster as he understood things. We see therein an extremely upright man to whom God Himself grants a lot. Firstly God allows Himself to be persuaded that also this Job will fall, if he - Satan - could tempt him for a while. Then secondly He grants Satan the right to tempt Job's patience in a most shameful manner, and this for so long until finally the poor Job runs out of patience and he rebels against God. Then God sends him a speaker who reprimands the poor Job quite sharply; and when Job fully surrenders to the hard will of God, God again shows mercy on him.
Now, who finds anything wise of a supposed to be wise God, must have lived during the times of this severely afflicted man! We read this story with weariness and declared it as apocrypha already many years ago; since in this story lies just as little truth and wisdom as with your Atlas who continuously must carry the whole heaven on his shoulders, and one also cannot provide a reasonable answer for it."
Said the Roman: "Now, now, you are truly well organized! Because you are too lazy to search, to think and to learn, you rather reject everything that does not fit your business! With one glance I found in Job the inner spiritual development of man, and you declare this as apocrypha! Isn't it clearly shown how the soul in time should separate from everything of the world and the flesh?
For a person of prosperity in each direction, it is easy to praise God, because it goes well with him; but it is not of much use to his soul. Now man is put on trial to see how he behaves towards God during times of misery and need, and for that in Job he is given a marvellous picture, how one should recognize and praise God in extreme misery and not only during prosperity. And such you call injustice and regards it as sense- and mindless stuff?! O, you are still standing deep down in the murky pool of judgement and death! But lets leave it at that, and for the seventh time I will ask you about something quite natural and easy! Thus listen!
See, in upper Egypt there still exists quite well maintained a temple of God chiselled into a granite mountain! Its name is Ja-bu-sim-bil. This temple - entirely different from this temple in Jerusalem! - is build with the most inexpressible difficulty of the world by the primordial inhabitants of the most memorable country of the whole earth, thus by people knowledgeable about God. In front of the entrance in a sitting, thus in an everlasting position of rest, are the four elements of this earth personified represented. Their colossal portrayal should represent the immense power of God in the laws of the whole of nature and its rest the never changing order of the divine spirit. The inner of this temple, a very spacious hall, nevertheless consists of three divisions. In the first are standing gigantic human figures, in the second people of our kind and in the third are among various signs completely in the background, although already severely weathered, we find the word signs Ja-bu-sim-bil engraved. - How would you, as a scribe, explain to me the inner of this memorable temple of the earth? For I believe that this is not unfamiliar to you."
Said the pharisee: "Yes, yes, I have heard a lot about it, and the case will most likely be as you have described it to me; but the temple is tremendously old and who knows who were the people who build such temple? There signs are unreadable for us and who can precisely guess what is their meaning?! It does not have the slightest resemblance with our writing, and therefore it is dead for us. You write from left to right and we the other way round, and thus you can read the primordial writings of Egypt easier than we are, since it is said that also the old Egyptians have written from left to right. We write the other way round and thus are not familiar with these old writings. What could the three halls and the strange large and small sculptures in the first two halls represent, and what finally the third hall with the certain inscriptions, which we Jews cannot read?"
Said the Roman: "O you supposed to be children of God, who distendedly walk around like marsh frogs as if the wisdom of the whole world belongs to you - and, as if you had created the whole earth! That what lies so close to you, you do not understand but still want to be educators and leaders of people chosen by God according to your scriptures! Nobody can give something to somebody, which he himself does not have, but only this what he has! However, you have only the stupidity and total ignorance in all things! What thus can the poor people learn from you? Nothing as your inconceivable blindness! Since truly, I already have heard in Rome the quite old saying: 'See, the person is even more stupid than a Jew!', and now I truly convince myself of it!
We Romans never regarded it beneath our dignity, to precisely understand the spiritual Gods-teachings of every conquered nation and to be fully educated about it, and still we are regarded the heathens, - and you as the people of God do not believe in your great God, but at the same time also despise every other God teaching, without having studied it in even the slightest manner! What kind of people are you? Truly, more than even the most common Epicureans, you have become stomach-belly people!
See, I, a heathen by birth, will tell you now, what is the meaning of the memorable temple of Ja-bu-sim-bil, which also has guided me to an entirely new understanding of the true Godhead, compared to what I had earlier.
When I about ten years ago had to travel to upper Egypt because of governmental affairs, I also cam to the said temple, which made an indescribable impression on me. I looked at everything with the greatest attention and was instructed by a completely impoverished priest and attendant of this antiquity, about the meaning of this and that. The old man, full of love and humility, was in the highest degree helpful and explained everything so well, that I had to tell myself: See, this man is wise and speaks the fullest truth!
He said to me: 'See, friend, the gigantic statues to the right are representing the seven spirits of God, through which man on this earth attains all kinds of recognitions on which he prides himself manifold and gigantically! The figures to the left represent man's wild and uncontrollable desires, which is why at there feet are all kinds of signs for death and judgement are visible. And see there the second hall! It is considerable lower than the first, and one can only get there through a considerable narrow gate. This shows mans humility, without it, it is impossible to attain the true recognition of God. Therefore you see here already quite moderate people figures in deeply stooped positions. And now here in the third and last hall you see nothing else than only spiritual things, presented by well corresponding signs. And there, high up, you see in a circle: Ja-bu-sim-bil, - which means: God's word in the heart of every person, who loves and searches for God. And the signs say: I has been, I am and I shall be. I am the Only, and except Me there exists no other God!' -
My friend, who searches, shall find, and I have searched from my youth and have found a lot! However, the very highest what ever can be found anywhere in this world, I found here, but not in the blindest being of your temple, but there! And there He sits most friendly in human form, about whom it is written in the third temple: Ja-bu-sim-bil! There is however nothing to it whether you and many of your kind, believe it or not; but nevertheless it is so how I and many thousands believe it now and will always believe it.
Thereby the seventh question has also been left unanswered, and I will now ask you the eight question and see if you can find an answer to it!"
