God's New Revelations

Strong's Concor­dance


Original: ענה
Transliteration: anah (‛ânâh)
Phonetic: aw-naw'
BDB Definition:
  1. to answer, respond, testify, speak, shout
    1. (Qal)
      1. to answer, respond to
      2. to testify, respond as a witness
    2. (Niphal)
      1. to make answer
      2. to be answered, receive answer
  2. (Qal) to sing, utter tunefully
  3. (Qal) to dwell
Origin: a primitive root
TWOT entry: 1650,1653
Part(s) of speech: Verb
Strong's Definition: A primitive root; properly to eye or (generally) to heed, that is, pay attention ; by implication to respond ; by extension to begin to speak; specifically to sing, shout, testify, announce : - give account, afflict [by mistake for H6031], (cause to, give) answer, bring low [by mistake for H6031], cry, hear, Leannoth, lift up, say, X scholar, (give a) shout, sing (together by course), speak, testify, utter, (bear) witness. See also H1042, H1043.
Occurrences in the (KJV) King James Version:
An Answer (1x)
And Answer (2x)
And Hear (1x)
Answer (1x)
Answered (119x)
Answerest (1x)
Answereth (2x)
Cry (1x)
Hear (13x)
Heard (1x)
No Answer (1x)
Not Answer (1x)
Said (1x)
Shall Cry (1x)
Shall Give (1x)
Shall Hear (1x)
Shout (1x)
Sing (2x)
Spake (3x)
Testifieth (1x)
Testify (3x)
To Answer (3x)
To Testify (1x)
Utter (1x)
Will Hear (1x)
Witness (1x)
All Occurrences
And Ittai answered the king, and said, As the Lord liveth, and as my lord the king liveth, surely in what place my lord the king shall be, whether in death or life, even there also will thy servant be.
But Abishai the son of Zeruiah answered and said, Shall not Shimei be put to death for this, because he cursed the Lord’s anointed?
And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: wherefore then be ye angry for this matter? have we eaten at all of the king’s cost? or hath he given us any gift?
And the men of Israel answered the men of Judah, and said, We have ten parts in the king, and we have also more right in David than ye: why then did ye despise us, that our advice should not be first had in bringing back our king? And the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel.(k)
And Joab answered and said, Far be it, far be it from me, that I should swallow up or destroy.
They looked, but there was none to save; even unto the Lord , but he answered them not.
Then king David answered and said, Call me Bath–sheba. And she came into the king’s presence, and stood before the king.(n)
And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the king, and said, Amen: the Lord God of my lord the king say so too.
And Jonathan answered and said to Adonijah, Verily our lord king David hath made Solomon king.
And king Solomon answered and said unto his mother, And why dost thou ask Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? ask for him the kingdom also; for he is mine elder brother; even for him, and for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the son of Zeruiah.
And Benaiah came to the tabernacle of the Lord , and said unto him, Thus saith the king, Come forth. And he said, Nay; but I will die here. And Benaiah brought the king word again, saying, Thus said Joab, and thus he answered me.
Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof.
And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.
And the king answered the people roughly, and forsook the old men’s counsel that they gave him;(a)
And the king answered and said unto the man of God, Intreat now the face of the Lord thy God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored me again. And the man of God besought the Lord , and the king’s hand was restored him again, and became as it was before.(b)
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.(e)
And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord : and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken.(f)
And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made.(g) (h) (i)
And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded.(n) (o)
Hear me, O Lord , hear me, that this people may know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
And the king of Israel answered and said, My lord, O king, according to thy saying, I am thine, and all that I have.
And the king of Israel answered and said, Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off.
And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.
Again also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said unto him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly.
And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.
But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the Lord , that we may enquire of the Lord by him? And one of the king of Israel’s servants answered and said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah.
Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.
Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.(a)
And one of his servants answered and said, Let some take, I pray thee, five of the horses that remain, which are left in the city, (behold, they are as all the multitude of Israel that are left in it: behold, I say, they are even as all the multitude of the Israelites that are consumed:) and let us send and see.(c)
And that lord answered the man of God, and said, Now, behold, if the Lord should make windows in heaven, might such a thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.
But the people held their peace, and answered him not a word: for the king’s commandment was, saying, Answer him not.
And David went out to meet them, and answered and said unto them, If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me, mine heart shall be knit unto you: but if ye be come to betray me to mine enemies, seeing there is no wrong in mine hands, the God of our fathers look thereon, and rebuke it.(g) (h) (i)
And David built there an altar unto the Lord , and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the Lord ; and he answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering.

Brown-Driver-Brigg's Information

All of the original Hebrew and Aramaic words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. In some cases more than one form of the word — such as the masculine and feminine forms of a noun — may be listed.

Each entry is a Hebrew word, unless it is designated as Aramaic. Immediately after each word is given its equivalent in English letters, according to a system of transliteration. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT), by R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke. This section makes an association between the unique number used by TWOT with the Strong's number.

Thayers Information

All of the original Greek words are arranged by the numbering system from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The Strong's numbering system arranges most Greek words by their alphabetical order. This renders reference easy without recourse to the Greek characters. In some cases more than one form of the word - such as the masculine, feminine, and neuter forms of a noun - may be listed.

Immediately after each word is given its exact equivalent in English letters, according to the system of transliteration laid down in the scheme here following. Then follows the phonetic. Next follows the Thayer's Definitions given in English.

Then ensues a reference to the same word as found in the ten-volume Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), edited by Gerhard Kittel. Both volume and page numbers cite where the word may be found.

The presence of an asterisk indicates that the corresponding entry in the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament may appear in a different form than that displayed in Thayers' Greek Definitions.

Strong's Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries Information

Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D., 1890.

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